I’m honored to be a recipient of the 2019 Women’s Caucus for Art Lifetime Achievement Award for my work “a feminist painter, art historian and critic.” Previous recipients have included so many women artists, writers, and activists I admire, including Ida Applebroog, Judy Chicago, Nancy Grossman, Yayoi Kusama, Yoko Ono, Miriam Schapiro, Carolee Schneemann, Nancy Spero, Martha Rosler, Sheila Levrant de Bretteville, Martha Wilson, Adrian Piper, Whitney Chadwick, Lucy Lippard, and Faith Wilding –the more such names I type the more honored I feel by this Award! This year my fellow recipients included Olga de Amaral, Mary Beth Edelson, Gladys Barker Grauer, with this year’s annual President’s Award for Art & Activism going to Aruna D’Souza and L.J. Roberts.

Women’s Caucus for Art Lifetime Achievement Awards February 16, 2019 from l to r: Ferris Olin, Ruth Weisberg, Mira Schor, Faith Wilding, Aruna D’Souza, L.J. Roberts, Amelia Jones, Kat Griefen, Janice Nesser-Chu (past and present awardees & committee and board members)
Here are my remarks at the lovely awards ceremony held in New York City on Saturday February 16, 2019.
For anyone impatient to get past the niceties of thank yous, the core of my remarks on the lifetime of an artist begins at about 3:58 min in.
I refer to and projected the following drawing that I did when I was about 9 or 10, one of many drawings I did at that time depicting girl and women heroines, often artists, writers, scholars, musicians, and queens of the realm, with all their books, artworks, and other treasures around them.
Mira Schor, Sea Voyages, c. 1960. Ink and crayon on paper, c.8 3/4″x 12.